Web Development

We create custom applications using the latest web technologies, from simple websites to very complex ones


From prototypes to mockups to final designs, we build a product that looks and functions amazing


We're using HTML5 for a long time, as it's the future of the Internet and the back-bone of modern websites

Mobile Responsive

We're building complete mobile friendly websites, that work seemlesly across all screen sizes and devices


We create top-notch shopping experiences, that increase your brand awareness and generate sales

Software Testing

Security is crucial for our team, and we work together so that our applications work the way they are programmed


We offer unlimited support for our code. No matter when you find an issue or you have a question, we can help

Our Framework

The framework we built our applications in, it's designed to be fast and optimal, with a lot of features

Our Administrator

The CMS software we include with every website, it allows our customers to manage their website with ease

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Web programming - between option and necessity

Posted by Cosmin Calciu | IT & Science | January 20, 2013

In today’s world, when people find it hard not to post updates about their latest activities every other day and think it is almost unimaginable to live without a social network profile, it seems rather odd to meet people who doubt the necessity of having a website. And yet these people are more numerous than you might initially think.

Let’s take the example of a medium sized company who already has a considerable customer base, a few dozens of employees and who is relatively known on a niche market. How could its manager be convinced that having a professional website to represent his company is not a simple fad, but an actual necessity that increases brand awareness and even leads to higher profit?

There is one simple answer: the past few years have been extremely challenging for business owners, who find it harder and harder to cope with high customer demands and an unfriendly economic context. The only way to survive and expand is to be innovative. Take advantage of every means of advertisement and use every small trick to be one step ahead of the competition.

So why not build a website? It is now easier than ever to find a reliable programming company that can help you show your business to the world. Besides, nowadays almost all fields of activity are subject to a transition towards the online sphere, one of the best examples being advertising. People now find companies online and even create a first impression about them by viewing their websites.

Web design services are an option, but if you want to step out of anonymity and start a modern approach, it goes without saying that they become essential. As a manager, you are probably interested by facts, not theories. And the fact is that when you build a website for yourself, you automatically bring new customers and new customers bring more profit. Additionally, when you hire a professional web programming company, you raise awareness about what products and services you offer and gradually build a name for yourself.

To put it simply, a website is a form of online advertisement, only it has the potential to surpass traditional ads. Customers can find out about your company with a single click and perhaps most important of all, you have full control over what details you offer. Web design services are varied and experts let you come with ideas. There are no limits, you can include as many pages as you like, with text, pictures, videos, articles or tutorials.

Customers will thank you as well, because websites allow them to locate you quickly, ask questions or place orders without having to leave their home. Working with professional companies who build a website in a time-effective manner by using solutions adapted to your needs is beneficial on a great number of levels and in time you will see the results yourself.

Excellent web design services, combined with support and the latest technologies, will certainly help you expand and showcase your company’s experience in today’s most effective way. Naturally, the Internet is the best way to find a reliable web programming company, with thousands of providers, but you have to make sure you pick with very high standards.

Here, at Pixelfind, we take pride of our strict quality principles and constantly endeavor to create only top edge websites with a professional, yet user friendly interface and functionality.

Feel free to contact us for whatever idea you may have – our team of professional programmers and designers is at your disposal with continuous support!

Cosmin | Pixelfind