About the Twitter API
Twitter, this microblogging service with a strange name is one of the most used web service to date.
Twitter is a website that allows many options, but they offer a limited functional option. The imposed limit of 140 characters per post foces the user to be very brief.
This can make some feel limited, and find this service not very useful. Others, however, feel very free within this limit and embrace this limitation with a ...
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July 11, 2011
Best Gif Loaders Generators
I was thinking of posting today something useful for you guys, and I remembered about something we frequently use for our development, and that is loaders for when you have AJAX or Javascript loading in the background.
I can recommend 2 websites we have used for a very long time: http://www.preloaders.net/ and http://www.ajaxload.info/
You can choose your background and foreground color of the loader, the loader type (preloader...
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July 06, 2011
New logo!
Starting today we have a new logo that represents Pixelfind. We tried to make it much simpler and much easier to recognize. We chose to keep our defining culors, mainly, the green and the blue.
We will use this new logo on all our social networking accounts, so keep a close eye on our stylized p :-)
Hope you like the change.
Keep in touch.
Cosmin | Pixelfind
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June 16, 2011
Pixelfind is hiring!
Between June 2, 2011 and July 13, 2011 Pixelfind is hiring a Web developer of Junior or Mid-level.
What should be the ideal candidate?
» HTML and CSS knowledge;
» Some PHP knowledge - what it's about, maybe he can show us some projects he has worked on;
» SQL knowledge;
» Some Object oriented programming knowledge;
» Basic JavaScript knowledge.
The employment process will be carried out by...
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June 04, 2011
Article: A Preview of HTML 5
Hey guys,
I've found (not looking that much though) an interesting article about the future of the web, HTML5.
Take a look here: http://www.alistapart.com/articles/previewofhtml5
Cosmin | Pixelfind
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July 09, 2011
Change of plans
Because of some last hour changes, we will modify the hiring period.
We will interview in the period between 21st and 24th of June, and, in the following week, 27.06 - 07.01 we will choose the person selected for the final interview.
Good luck!
Cosmin | Pixelfind
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June 21, 2011
Lesson II: HTML and XHTML languages (Introduction)
HTML means HyperText Markup Language. This is used by web browsers to display pages visually. HTML is based on the idea of tags, enclosed in the '<' and '>' characters. For eg: <p>example paragraph</p>.
Usually, all the HTML tags come in pairs - for eg, <i> and </i>.
The first tag is the opening tag, while the second, the end tag. Inside these tags, web developers can add images, text, flash ...
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June 06, 2011
Web Programming Tutorial: HTTP Protocol
First of all, what is a protocol? A protocol is a set of rules used by computers to communicate. A protocol may include signals, authentication methods and possibilities of detection and correction of errors. A protocol describes the syntax, semantics, and synchronization of messages. As a broader definition, we can say that a protocol is used as a set of procedures (or rules) used to communicate.
HTTP means HyperText Transfer Protocol. It ...
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May 28, 2011