Web Development

We create custom applications using the latest web technologies, from simple websites to very complex ones


From prototypes to mockups to final designs, we build a product that looks and functions amazing


We're using HTML5 for a long time, as it's the future of the Internet and the back-bone of modern websites

Mobile Responsive

We're building complete mobile friendly websites, that work seemlesly across all screen sizes and devices


We create top-notch shopping experiences, that increase your brand awareness and generate sales

Software Testing

Security is crucial for our team, and we work together so that our applications work the way they are programmed


We offer unlimited support for our code. No matter when you find an issue or you have a question, we can help

Our Framework

The framework we built our applications in, it's designed to be fast and optimal, with a lot of features

Our Administrator

The CMS software we include with every website, it allows our customers to manage their website with ease

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10 Fireworks Tutorials You Most Likely Already Know
Posted by Cosmin Calciu | Education

Hello folks, I'm attaching a few (10) Fireworks tutorials. You should already know them, so.. enjoy. 1. Circular Shadows & Highlights 2. Pixelate Effect Tutorial 3. Dot Matrix Effect 4. Sticky Notes 5. Light Effects 6. Vista Like Wallpapers 7. Creating Fading Light Vectors 8. Rapid Fire #1: Photo Realistic 9. Create a Night Scene 10. Water Drop Cosmin | Pixelfind

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May 29, 2011
Hello world!
Posted by Cosmin Calciu | Team

Hello, This is the official Pixelfind Romania blog. We thought (after waiting for almost three years) to create this section and show you how it is to work in a web company, especially here in ours, but this can apply to any other company. We want to post various information about how work is done at our company, but also how we're having fun, what events we will organize or other interesting things we discovered over time. We are...

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May 26, 2011
Web Programming Tutorial: HTTP Protocol
Posted by Cosmin Calciu | Work & Recruitment

First of all, what is a protocol? A protocol is a set of rules used by computers to communicate. A protocol may include signals, authentication methods and possibilities of detection and correction of errors. A protocol describes the syntax, semantics, and synchronization of messages. As a broader definition, we can say that a protocol is used as a set of procedures (or rules) used to communicate. HTTP means HyperText Transfer Protocol. It ...

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May 28, 2011